International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) Solicits Proposals for 2024 Uniform Plumbing Code(UPC) and Uniform Mechanical Code (UMC).
IAPMO, publisher of the Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC) and Uniform Mechanical Code (UMC), is calling for formal code proposals toward the development of the 2024 editions of these American National Standard designated model codes. The UPC and UMC include provisions for the installation of natural gas appliances and equipment and is adopted in a number of western states including California. The BECS Committee will be discussing any proposals to the current coverage in the UPC and UMC since it is important that the code coverage for installing natural gas appliances and equipment be consistent in all areas of country. No proposals will be accepted after the 5 p.m. PST deadline on Jan. 4, 2021. The code proposal form, as well as proposal instructions and background on IAPMO’s ANSI-accredited consensus process, may be found HERE. All proposals recommending new text, revised text or the deletion of text must be written in legislative format and clearly state the reason behind the recommendation.
AGA Response to Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI), etc. Regarding Concerns with Cooking with Natural Gas Ranges.
As discussed at BECS Committee meetings, the Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI), in collaboration with Mothers Out Front, Physicians for Social Responsibility, and Sierra Club, released a report titled Health Effects from Gas Stove Pollution.  AGA has conducted a review of the report. The attached paper evaluates and responds to the eight specific claims stated in the Executive Summary of the report. Note that, in some cases, the claims differ from similarly enumerated statements made in the body of the report. Those discrepancies are addressed. Some of the findings in the Health Effects from Gas Stove Pollution are not justified based on the report’s supporting statements and citations. Furthermore, the report’s conclusions and recommendations are not sufficiently substantiated for making policy or consumer decisions about energy choices. Here is the link to the evaluation document. (AGA Members Only). Additional information on combustion emissions from residential gas ranges. For questions, you can contact Richard Meyer, Managing Director, Energy Markets, Analysis, and Standards at [email protected].