Section I Amendments

1.1 These Bylaws may be amended by the Board of Directors in any manner not inconsistent with the Articles of Constitution at any meeting of the Board, by sealed letter ballot, or by combination of the two, provided a copy of the amendment proposal has been mailed by the Executive Director to each Board Member at least thirty days prior to such proposal.

Section II Membership

2.1 Following are the classes of membership in the Society: Member (Voting) Retired Member (Voting) Honorary Member (Non-Voting) Life Member (Voting) Corporate Sponsor (Non-Voting)

2.1.1 Member (Voting) A person with experience in the gas industry or the science relating to gas engineering. Voting members have the right to vote on Society matters requiring the vote of the total membership.

2.1.2 Retired Member (Voting) A person who has retired from Industry and who had previously been classified as a Member.

2.1.3 Honorary Member (Non-Voting) A non-member who has made a meritorious contribution to the Gas Industry may be made an Honorary Member upon recommendation by the Board of Directors. Honorary Members shall pay no dues and have no voting privileges.

2.1.4 Life Member (Voting) Life Membership may be granted at the discretion of the Board of Directors, to an active member who has at least twenty years of engineering experience in the gas industry or science relating to gas engineering, and who has a record of outstanding achievement in one of these fields. There shall be a further requirement of ten years as a voting member of the Society. Qualification of the candidate must be documented and submitted sixty days prior to Annual Meeting to the Board of Directors for consideration. Acceptance will require a favorable vote of 2/3 of the full Board when such a vote is taken in session, or of the Board when vote is by letter ballot. A life member shall have full privileges of an active member, but shall not be required to pay dues.

2.1.5 Corporate Sponsor Non-voting membership may be granted to a company or corporation employing two or more individuals in the gas industry or industry related to the gas industry.

Section III Dues

3.1 Annual dues of the various classes of membership shall be: Member $50.00, Retired Member $10.00, Honorary Member No Dues, Life Member No Dues, Corporate Sponsor $500.00 (Silver), $1,000 (Gold) and $1,500 (Platinum).

3.1.1 The fiscal year of the Society shall begin on June 1 and terminate on May 31.

3.1.2 All dues shall be due and payable on June 1 of each year. Members who fail to pay their dues by June 1 of the following year shall be deemed delinquent and may be dropped from the membership by action of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors may extend the time of payment of dues of members, or may waive a member’s dues for sufficient cause.

3.2 The initiation fee for Member shall be twenty dollars ($20.00). There shall be no fees for Honorary Members, Corporate Members or for transfer to a different class.

3.3 A member’s first year dues shall be prorated on a monthly basis from date of election.

Section IV (proposed 2021) Corporate Sponsorships

4.1 Corporate Sponsorships are annual funds supplied to the Society by membership companies/organizations in the gas industry or related to the gas industry.

4.1.1 All corporate sponsorship funds shall be collected by June 1 of each year to be used for that fiscal year.

4.2 Funds collected through sponsorship are intended for use with the annual Technical Conference by paying for deposits, reservations, advertising, fees, or the like.

4.2.1 In the event that the Technical Conference does not take place, the funds collected through corporate sponsorship may be used at the discretion of the Board of Directors by majority vote.

Section V Committees

5.1 Committees of the Society shall be classified into two groups. A – Standing Committees B – Special Committees Standing Committees are those that have a continuing job to perform as referred to in the Constitution (Article X). The President shall be an ex-officio member of each Standing Committee. Special Committees may be appointed by the President or the Board of Directors to meet particular problems or needs, and may be discharged as soon as their work has been completed, The rules and regulations of all committees shall be subject to approval by the Board of Directors.

5.2 Admissions and Membership Committee: The Committee shall consist of three or more members. This committee shall bring the objectives of the Society to the attention of desirable candidates for admission to membership through such measures as it may consider advisable to interest prospective members who have the standing and qualifications specified for the various grades of membership. The Admissions and Membership Committee shall classify and approve each application as to grade of membership and perform such other duties as provided by the Constitution or delegated to it by the Board of Directors.

5.3 Constitution and Bylaws Committee: The Committee shall consist of three members. The Committee shall consider all matters relating to the Constitution and Bylaws of the Society, including the legal status in connection therewith, also all other matters referred to it by the Board of Directors or the President. The Committee shall make reports and recommendations to the Board of Directors for action thereon and may consult legal and technical counsel with reference to any question before it. At least one member of the Committee shall be a Member of the Board of Directors. This Committee shall be responsible for continual review of the Constitutional and Bylaws and to keep them current with changing conditions.

5.4 Nominating Committee: The Committee shall consist of three voting members appointed in even numbered years by the President. The President shall appoint the chair. The Executive Director of the Society shall be the Secretary of the Nominating Committee without voting power. The Nominating Committee shall have the responsibility of providing for the election of officers as prescribed in the Constitution (Article VIII).

5.5 Policy and Planning Committee: The Committee shall consist of a chair who shall be appointed from the Board of Directors and four members. The Committee shall advise the Board upon matters of policy or planning referred to it by the Board, without limitation upon the power of the Board to act in its judgment. The Committee shall give continuous attention to, and make recommendations to the Board upon all matters of long term policy and planning in the functions of the Society. It shall be in their duty at all times to promote the general objectives of the Society.

5.6 Technical Committee: The Vice- President and his/her appointees shall coordinate any technical meetings of the Society. The Committee shall make reports and recommendations to the Board of Directors. The Committee shall review the material to be presented at technical meetings for compliance with guidelines established by the Board of Directors.

5.7 Awards Committee: This Committee shall consist of not fewer than four members, at least one of whom shall be a member of the Board of Directors. This Committee shall nominate members for the various awards as may be authorized by the Board of Directors. They shall recommend honors to encourage and recognize meritorious contributions to the gas industry and to the Society. The Committee shall receive and issue recommendations on all nominations for Life or Honorary Memberships. In addition, the Awards Committee shall receive and issue recommendations on all nominations for the Founders’ Award.

5.8 Certified Gas Engineers Committee: This Committee evaluates applications, develops examination standards and monitors the examination process as outlined in Appendix B.

5.9 Newsletter and Internet Website Committee: This Committee shall consist of two or more members. The Committee shall be responsible for the preparation of monthly newsletters and shall be responsible for the format and use of the Society website ( as requested by the Board of Directors. The Committee may subcontract work on the newsletter and website as authorized and approved by the Board of Directors.

Section VI Duties of the Executive Director

6.1 The Executive Director shall be responsible to the Board of Directors and the Treasurer of the Society as outlined by the Duties of Office- Appendix A for the handling of all business correspondence including the preparation and distribution of information to the Board of Directors and members.

6.2 The Executive Director shall also be responsible for all record keeping related to memberships, finances, and Society history.

Section VII Certified Gas Engineers Program

7.1 The Society shall establish a program to certify individuals who have knowledge of fuel gas safety and of the practices of fuel gas safety, and who have been trained in the art and science of fuel gas engineering, The program will provide the gas industry with a method to recognize and identify those individuals who have demonstrated competence and the ability to ensure the overall safety of fuel gas products. This program shall be designated the Certified Gas Engineers Program. The details of the Certified Gas Engineers Program shall be set forth in Appendix B to these Bylaws, which is incorporated into the Bylaws by reference.

Section VIII Publications

8.1 All publications of the Society shall be issued under the approval and direction of the Board and shall be copyrighted as far as is practicable and proper.

Section IX Meetings

p9.1 Annual Meeting: There shall be an Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors.

9.1.1 The place and date of the Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors shall be determined at least one year in advance and announced at the preceding meeting.

9.2 Other Meetings: Other meetings of the Society may be called at any time upon order of the President or upon written request of twenty-five voting members, but no business matter not mentioned in the call shall be decided on at any such meeting.

9.3 Notice of Meeting: Notice of each meeting of the Society shall be given each member at least thirty days prior to the meeting.

Section X Articles of Incorporation

10.1 The American Society of Gas Engineers is incorporated under the laws of the State of Ohio in accordance with Article 1.2 of the Constitution. Whereas these laws require the appointment of a representative or agent of the corporation upon whom process, tax notice, or demands may be served, we, the Society, hereby agree that said appointee shall be held harmless and free from liability for any decisions made in good faith, or any penalties, or charges incurred relating to said appointment or decisions.

Section XI Miscellaneous

11.1 Notices: Except as otherwise required by the Constitution of the Society, a notice, ballot, copy or other item to be sent to any or all members, shall be deemed sent if included in the minutes or other publication of the Society which is regularly mailed to those members to whom such notice, ballot, copy, or other item is required to be sent.

APPENDIX A: Job Description for the Executive Director

  1. The Executive Director shall be responsible to the Board of Directors for:
    1. Receipt and acknowledgment of all Society business correspondence;
    2. Receipt and distribution of all correspondence directed to the Board of Directors;
    3. Maintenance of the official membership list of the Society;
    4. Annual preparation, printing and distribution of the Society Roster;
    5. Preparation, printing, and distribution of the Society Constitution;
    6. Preparing ballots for amending the Constitution, as required by the Board;
    7. Distribution of National Past President’s pins;
    8. Obtaining, preparing information, periodic printing, and distribution of the ASGE News;
    9. Preparation and distribution of letters of acceptance to all new members;
    10. Sending membership pin and certificate to each new member;
    11. Recommending supplies and equipment required to upgrade and improve Society printing and communication facilities;
    12. Preparation of all communications to be distributed and sent to the officers, Board of Directors, or membership;
    13. Safekeeping of the Society’s corporate seal;
    14. Preparation of business letters for the Society;
    15. Preparation of all ballots to the Board and the membership;
    16. Advising all members of status changes upon approval by the Admission and Membership Committee;
    17. All other duties as assigned by the Board of Directors.
  2. The Executive Director shall have the following additional responsibilities to the Treasurer:
    • Monthly – Balance the checkbook to bank statement;
    • Annually – Prepare a financial statement for the Board of Directors; – Prepare and mail dues invoices to members.
  3. Other responsibilities of the Executive Director shall be to:
    1. Prepare and mail dues statements to members in June of each year;
    2. Mail second dues statement to delinquent members in September of each year;
    3. Credit members who have paid dues and mail membership cards to each;
    4. Record annually in ledger, members whose dues are paid or are extended membership privileges;
    5. Initiate checks, obtaining signature, if required, and mail to creditors;
    6. Make bank deposits;
    7. Bill individuals for any unusual purchase (rubber stamp, etc.);
    8. Record address changes;
    9. Answer miscellaneous correspondence pertaining to dues and membership;
    10. Maintain record of members applying for membership and secure application fee.

APPENDIX B: Certified Gas Engineers Examination Committee

Committee Purpose:

This Committee is charged to develop an examination that will:

  1. Establish a consistent standard appropriate to measure one’s knowledge of gas combustion and related principles, practices and system applications;
  2. Provide recognition for gas combustion engineer professionals who have demonstrated a high level of competence in their field, and an in-depth knowledge of the applications, principles and practices of gas combustion and related systems.

Committee Authority and Line of responsibility:

This Committee is responsible to the ASGE Board of Directors and has authority to submit recommendations only. The ASGE Board of Directors is responsible to approve the final work of this final work of the Committee.

Committee Issues:

  1. Establish examination content.
  2. Establish examination format.
  3. Establish process for administering examination.
  4. Establish certification requirement including passing score.
  5. Establish recertification process as applicable.
  6. Prepare technical material and administer seminars to prepare applicants for examination.
  7. Perform other duties as assigned by the Board of Directors.

Elements of the Certified Gas Engineer (C.G.E.) Program

  1. Membership in ASGE is required.
  2. Applicants may take the examination one time per calendar year.
  3. The application fee is $150.
  4. Applicants who pass the examination become certified with notice published in ASGE News and the ASGE Roster.
  5. Certified gas engineers may use the “C.G.E.” [USPTO Trademark Number 76/348024] letters after their names on correspondence and business cards.
  6. Certified gas engineers may also display the ASGE C.G.E. certification seal on technical documents.
  7. Certification must be renewed annually by December 31 of each year after certification.
  8. The certification renewal fee is $20 for ASGE Members and $70 for non-members.
  9. Engineers who do not renew certification by the required date will be de-certified. To reinstate certification, engineers must repay the application fee and pass the certified gas engineer examination.
  10. De-certification may also apply for the following:
    1. Conviction in a criminal court;
    2. Proof of perjury;
    3. Proof of blatant disregard or gross neglect of gas industry safety practices;
    4. Serious mental impairment or uncontrolled substance abuse that permanently damages one’s ability to conduct safe gas industry practices;
    5. Other conditions that may be subject to ASGE Board of Review and action.
  11. The de-certification process is as follows:
    1. Any ASGE Member can initiate the process by submitting a letter to the ASGE Board of Directors (Board), which could then direct the ASGE Certified Gas Engineers Committee (Committee) to address the issue.
    2. Once directed by the Board, the Committee must assign one of its members to notify the certified gas engineer that of the de-certification request and request a response to such action; initiate limited appropriate inquiries; report initial finding to the Committee with a recommended course of action.
    3. In the event further action is recommended, the Committee shall place the item on its agenda and discuss it at the next scheduled meeting. The Committee may decide to recommend further action to the Board, table the motion, pursue further research in the matter, or discontinue the process. An action status letter shall be sent to the initiating party and certified gas engineer under review.
    4. In the event that the Committee finds that the de-certification action merits submission to the Board for review and action, it will do so with a recommended course of action and with all pertinent documents attached.
    5. The Board shall decide if, based on the evidence provided by the Committee and any other evidence, de-certification is warranted