AGA Releases a New Study, Net-Zero Emissions Opportunities for Gas Utilities.
This week, AGA released a new study, Net-Zero Emissions Opportunities for Gas Utilities, a comprehensive analysis detailing how America’s natural gas utilities will be essential to meeting our emissions reduction goals, including achieving net-zero. With all the activities in end use Codes and Standards activities promoting “electrification”, prohibitions on the direct use of natural gas in homes and businesses, etc., the study “presents a national-level approach that leverages the unique advantages of gas technologies and distribution infrastructure. The study underscores the range of scenarios and technology opportunities available as the nation, regions, states and communities develop and implement ambitious emissions reductions plans “. BECS Committee members are urged to review the study and use the information included to tout the benefits and bright future for the direct use natural gas as a solution for global emissions reductions and not the threat to the environment portrayed by the anti-fossil fuel advocates.
DOE Issues a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Public Meeting and Request for Comment Pertaining to Test Procedures for Commercial Warm Air Furnaces.
Today, the DOE issued a pre-publication Federal Register proposes to amend the test procedures for commercial warm air furnaces (CWAFs) to incorporate the latest versions of the industry standards that are currently incorporated by reference. DOE also proposes to establish a new metric, Thermal Efficiency Two (TE2), and corresponding test procedure. Use of the newly proposed test procedure would become mandatory at such time as compliance with amended energy conservation standards based on TE2 is required, should DOE adopt such standards. DOE also proposes additional specifications for CWAFs with multiple vent hoods or small- diameter vent hoods. DOE is seeking comment from interested parties on the proposal. DOE will accept comments, data, and information regarding this NOPR until 60 days after date of publication in the Federal Register. DOE will send a follow-up e-mail once the notice publishes to announce the closing date of the comment period. Comments can be submitted identified by docket number EERE- 2019-BT-TP-0041, by email ([email protected]), Federal eRulemaking portal ( DOE will hold a webinar on Tuesday, March 29, 2022, from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Click here to register for the webinar. Additional webinar registration information, participant instructions, and information about the capabilities available to webinar participants will be published on DOE’s website: ings/public-meetings-and-comme nt-deadlines . Find product information for Commercial Warm Air Furnaces including current standards and test procedures, statutory authority, waivers, exceptions and contact information. Note that commercial natural gas warm air furnaces will be considered as part of this rulemaking
AHRI Releases the December 2021 Heating and Cooling Equipment Shipment Data.
For those interested in shipment trends for residential and commercial gas and electric storage type water heaters, residential gas and oil furnaces, electric heat pumps and air-conditioners, click here for the February 11, 2022 Air-Conditioning Heating, & Refrigeration (AHRI) Press Release that provides the December, 2021 U.S. Heating and Cooling Equipment Shipment Data. You may also wish to share this information with other groups or individuals within your organization that would be interested in water heater and HVAC equipment shipment trends.