Update on the ASHRAE Proposed Addenda bi and bk to the ASHRAE 90.1 Energy Standard for Sites and Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings.
At this past week’s meetings of the ASHRAE 90.1 Energy Standard for Sites and Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings Committee, the SSPC Committee did not move two addenda of concern to the natural gas industry identified as Addenda bi and Addenda bk forward as a provision in the ASHRAE 90.1 standard. As previously reported, Addenda bi would change the compliance metric requirement from a cost basis to a site energy consumption basis that disregards the energy losses of electricity from generation to the end use. Addenda bk would require that compliance in the prescriptive path of the standard be based on space heating heat pumps as the primary system thus excluding federally approved natural gas heating systems (natural gas furnaces and boilers) as a primary system that is currently permitted in this compliance path. There was extensive discussion on public comments submitted in opposition including AGA’s opposition previously reported in the January 31, 2025 BECS Update on End Use Codes and Standards, of moving these addendums forward as provisions into the ASHRAE 90.1 standard. Both Addenda bi and Addenda bk were referred back to the appropriate SSPC 90.1 subcommittee for further evaluation and recommendations on responses to the negative comments. Those subcommittees are scheduled to be meeting in March and AGA staff plans to attend and participate in the discussions and we will report on recommendations that they may announce when available.
AGA Releases 2025 Playbook.
Yesterday, AGA released the 2025 Playbook (Press Release attached) “showcasing the foundational role of natural gas in advancing American prosperity and energy security. More than 189 million Americans and 5.8 million businesses use natural gas because it is safe, affordable, reliable, and essential to improving our environment. America’s natural gas utilities are innovating and working to reduce energy costs for everyday customers through new and modernized infrastructure and advanced technologies that are making our vital energy infrastructure more reliable, resilient, and secure.” BECS Committee members are encouraged to access the Playbook that contains significant fact-based information about natural gas including the benefits to consumers, the economy, and the environment of the direct use of natural gas in homes and business. AGA members can obtain printed copies of the Playbook by using the information and ordering information provided in the attached 2025 AGA Playbook Information document. C
the printed book are available to all AGA
Media Reports that the Consumer Product Safety Commission(CPSC) Formally Ending a Review of Gas Cooking Products.
This week, a media outlet reported that The Consumer Product Safety Commission “is formally ending a review that it initiated during the Biden administration to assess the potential health risks posed by gas-powered stovetops.” According to the news article , “In a statement to the Washington Free Beacon, Consumer Product Safety Commission acting chairman Peter Feldman said he considers the matter “concluded” and emphasized that the federal government should not interfere with consumer choice. Feldman’s comments effectively put an end to a years-long process that critics feared would lead to a broad ban on gas stoves.” We are awaiting any formal announcement on this development from CPSC on the details of the ending of the review since this issue has been the subject of substantial discussion and debate for a number of years and will report on any additional announcements from CPSC on this action.
AGA Hosting a Webinar on February 20 to Present the American Gas Foundation (AGF) Study The Growing Imperative for Natural Gas Energy Efficiency: An Assessment Study of Gas Utility Energy Efficiency Programs.
BECS Committee members and associates are invited to participate in a webinar on Thursday , February 20, at 1:00pm EST, hear a presentation and discussion on the recently released AGF study, The Growing Imperative for Natural Gas Energy Efficiency: An Assessment Study of Gas Utility Energy Efficiency Programs. This study is the culmination of a year-long AGF steering committee led process and evaluates the current and future potential benefits of natural gas utility energy efficiency programs and examines how existing gas delivery infrastructure can be leveraged to improve overall energy efficiency. We encourage you to register and attend next Thursday’s event to listen in for the key implications and learnings from this timely study. Additionally, as this webinar is inclusive of external audiences, please feel to invite others within and outside your organization who you believe would be interested in the content. The content of the information presented during the webinar can be useful for documenting successful gas utility energy efficiency programs and can also be very useful in countering arguments presented by individuals and /or organizations at code hearings with accusations that gas utilities do not support improvements in energy efficiency for the built environment. There is no charge for attending the webinar and you can register for it here: Registration Link
State Codes Activity Update.
Attached is a weekly feature of the “Friday Update” covering state code calendar activities as presented by the online utility “Fiscal Note,” which is sponsored by APGA and AGA Code and Standards. Please review the update and determine if there are state code activities that impact your service territory or organization.